Otriduo Schnupfen Dosierspray 15 ml

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Pharmacode: 4173358
Supplier: Haleon Switzerland AG
EAN: 7680601250016

Product details

Otriduo Schnupfen contains a mild decongestant and an antihistamine. Otriduo Cold brings rapid and lasting relief from swollen nasal mucosa (blocked nose) and runny nose.

Otriduo Cold is suitable for the short-term symptomatic treatment of nasal congestion and itching, e.g. colds, sinusitis (sinusitis), hay fever, allergic non-seasonal rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa, e.g. caused by house dust, animal hair, mould).

Otriduo Schnupfen can also be used on medical prescription before or after an operation and as a supportive medicine in the treatment of acute middle ear infections.

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